Automatically generated documentation

This documentation was automatically generated using a Perl script.

To browse the documentation, just use the menu on the left.

How to use the script


All you need is a computer which can execute Perl scripts.


This script can generate documentation using annotations. Annotations are comments that start with an "@".

The actual code does not matter, only the annotations do.

Here is an example :

 * @package myproject.model
 * @class public abstract AClass
 * @description Description of the class
 * @extends AnotherClass
 * @also ThirdClass Another class which is related to this one.
 * @param p1 Constructor first parameter
 * @param p2 Constructor second parameter
.....SOME CODE....
 * @method public aMethod
 * @description Description of the method.
 * @param p1 Method first parameter
 * @param p2 Method second parameter
 * @return Description of the return value
.....SOME CODE....
 * @method private anotherMethod
 * @description Description of the method.
.....SOME CODE....

In this example, Javadoc-style comments are used, but inline comments are also supported.

Once your files are ready, run the script specifying files paths. For example, if the script name is "", you can run it using the following command :

./ path/to/file1.html path/to/file2.html

HTML files will then be created in the "doc" directory. To browse the documentation, open "doc/index.html" with your web browser.

When to use this script

This script is not as powerful as similar tools such as Javadoc, which are based on a specific language. Therefore it should be used only for projects based on languages which do not have specific documentation generators (Javascript for example).

Also, this script will be useful only for class designed projects (no procedural support).

You are free to use/modify/distribute the script for personal or commercial use.